Fire and Brimstone

I have just come across a blog article on God, fire and brimstone by Jim Finn. It’s a reply to an article by the biblewarroiress, whose blog I follow. The question that is… no, let me start differently: In her article which is headlined with „Terrorizing People to Jesus“ the Warrioress makes a valid point: Asking someone to submit to Jesus Christ out of fear isn’t love offered freely. Threatening them and making them afraid isn’t how God wants us to come to Him....

21.01.2014 · 5 min · De Benny

On Civilizing God

Yesterday I wrote about people are leaving church because they don’t find God there anymore, but rather some civilized idol, an image of God we made ourselves and civilized, to have in control. Anybody remember the commandments? Wasn’t there one saying we should not make an image of God? Right! But this was rather about statues. The God of the OT is to be invisible. Yet we do still need some image, to think „God“ at least....

11.01.2014 · 6 min · De Benny

On Leaving Church

I just ran across a blogpost by Dan Wilkinson on why people are leaving the church. There he responds to a quote by some guy named Ken Ham who claimed people would leave church because of the teachings of evolution and because this would tell them the bible could not be trusted. Then Dan writes why young people are really leaving church, well in his opinion. Read it, I think he has a point....

10.01.2014 · 4 min · De Benny

Comment for God’s Politics Blog

I like God’s Politics Blog a lot, and read their articles from time to time. It gives me insight to what’s going on in American Christianity and more specifically, the American Christianity we don’t hear much about in the media here, because God’s Politics Blog belongs rather to the Christian Left than the Christian Right and the Christian Left is something you wouldn’t know about here unless you sought for the term on google, I guess....

20.11.2013 · 3 min · De Benny

Von Wundern und Wirklichkeit

Comments Comment by Christina on 2013-11-09 17:16:00 +0100 Lieber Benny, danke für deine ausführliche und ehrliche Antwort. 🙂 Es tangiert meinen Glauben nicht, ob Christus übers Wasser ging oder den Sturm stillte. Falls Er es nicht tat und es Erfindungen der Evangelisten sind, ändert das nichts daran, daß Er für uns alle am Kreuz starb. Das ist relevant. Und daran glaube ich. Wieso glaubst du an das eine und das andere nicht?...

08.11.2013 · 4 min · De Benny