Open ID, WordPress and Comments

I’ve been playing around a bit with Open ID recently. And I got it to work at the forum, so I guess this would be a first success. Afterwards I tried using it on WordPress, but although loging into WordPress works for me, I’d als like to enabe you to leave comments by Open ID and not Name/E-Mail. Seems like the OpenID Plugin (and all other related plugins I could find) depends on a more recent form of the comments mechanism....

18.04.2013 · 1 min · De Benny

Etherpad Lite and Bash

I already wrote about Etherpad Lite. Now as I got my install up and running, I thought about getting control over it. First point was, I wanted to control the creation of pads. I have not yet understood the groups and group pads, so this will be all very very basic, but maybe still be of some help. Take into account that I use Etherpad Lite version 1.2.91, so things might be different if you have another version....

10.04.2013 · 2 min · De Benny

Etherpad lite install and error

Imagine you want to install Etherpad lite on your server. You go by certain install guides you find on the web and, all of a sudden, you get this on the command line: Let’s put first things first: How did I get there? I wanted to get Etherpad Lite working on my server, because I think it’s a nice little programme. So I followed first this guide to get a recent node....

09.04.2013 · 3 min · De Benny

Ein kleines Child Theme

Hallo, vielleicht habt Ihr s ja schon bemerkt, der Blog macht unter anderem Gebrauch von zwei neuen Plugins. Einerseits wäre da Artiss Social Bookmarks, andererseits Coauthors Plus. Das Social Bookmarks Plugin unterstützt weit über 100 Dienste und soziale Medien. Co Authors PLus ermöglicht es, mehrere Autoren einem Blogartikel zuzuordnen, auch Gastautoren ohne richtiges Benutzerkonto sind möglich. Beide Plugins haben einen Nachteil: Um sie zu benutzen, muß man den Code des Themes ändern, um entsprechende Zeilen einzufügen....

01.04.2013 · 2 min · De Benny