Pretending really hard

The sad thing is that the cartoon has a point. There are lots of believers who mix up belief and knowledge, faith and facts. But actually faith does NOT mean pretending to know something you are as clueless about as others. Faith in God has rather few to do with hard facts. God can be there if creation or evolution is true, that won’t hinder too much. And God can even be there without any afterlife....

06.12.2013 · 4 min · De Benny

Hijab and Atheism

The complain in this comic is obviously that Muslim women have to cover up with hijabs or even burqas, so (Muslim) men’s lust was not provoked. Before all I want to point out that I am not at all interested in whether Muslims do claim so or whether it would be a right claim or not. This is not what this post is about. This post is about the image Atheists, at least certain ones, have of Muslims and spread about them in comics as the above and whether or not one could call this hypocritical....

19.09.2013 · 3 min · De Benny

Ticket to Zürich

Euthanasia is bad, but Jesus dying on the cross is good. This is the starting point for this comic. Mo draws a line from assisted suicide to Jesus knowingly going into death through people „helping“ him to do so for his own purposes. So he can claim that Christianity would be based on assisted suicide. The mistake Mo is making here is that Jesus is God and not just any human being....

24.03.2013 · 3 min · De Benny