Honda Prius

I ran across a video by darkmatter2525 again, and this time neither God nor this little angel whose name I forgot have an appearance. But just look yourself. So shortly said, the video is about a woman who wants to buy a car. But the seller never shows her the car. All he does is present „evidence“ in the form of manual and other paper work, and the fact that he the seller himself is in the office although he lives 7 miles away....

12.05.2013 · 1 min · De Benny

Genesis 34

11.05.2013 · 0 min · De Benny

Open ID, WordPress and Comments

I’ve been playing around a bit with Open ID recently. And I got it to work at the forum, so I guess this would be a first success. Afterwards I tried using it on WordPress, but although loging into WordPress works for me, I’d als like to enabe you to leave comments by Open ID and not Name/E-Mail. Seems like the OpenID Plugin (and all other related plugins I could find) depends on a more recent form of the comments mechanism....

18.04.2013 · 1 min · De Benny

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Which Ways – Featuring Roads

I decided to take part in Cee‘ Fun Foto Challenge. This week, it‘ all about roads, ways, paths… Enjoy (click to enlarge):  Comments Comment by Cee Neuner on 2013-04-16 16:16:04 +0100 Wonderful which ways for this challenge! Comment by De Benny on 2013-04-16 16:57:26 +0100 Thanks.

16.04.2013 · 1 min · De Benny

Satan’s 10 commandments to the homosexual lobby – reviewed

I’ve been writing about atheist criticism of religion or christianity recently, which could lead to the conclsion that I consider anything that comes from nonblelievers wrong, and anything that comes from believers right. Which is not so. I just ran across „Satan’s 10 commandments to the homosexual lobby“ (via). And I think this is a good opportunity, that I critisise bullshit, no matter where from. Note that this criticism comes from a fellow christian....

11.04.2013 · 11 min · De Benny