CKEditor, Unicode and HTML entities

There are times when you are looking for a solution of a problem and nothing seems to help… until you realize that you missed something very stupid. This happened to me today: I’m playing around a bit with ckeditor and of course, I wanted it to play nice with languages like Hebrew and Greek (for those wondering: I study Theology). So I tried to have some Hebrew letters as initial values, and what I got looked like this:This does not look very HebrewWhen I clicked on „Quellcode“ which is German for „source code“ I saw what I learned is called html entities, 4 or 5 character sets that all started with &....

15.11.2013 · 2 min · De Benny

Hijab and Atheism

The complain in this comic is obviously that Muslim women have to cover up with hijabs or even burqas, so (Muslim) men’s lust was not provoked. Before all I want to point out that I am not at all interested in whether Muslims do claim so or whether it would be a right claim or not. This is not what this post is about. This post is about the image Atheists, at least certain ones, have of Muslims and spread about them in comics as the above and whether or not one could call this hypocritical....

19.09.2013 · 3 min · De Benny

By grace alone

I ran across an article by Gary where he addresses the question of whether you are saved through works or through faith. He points out correctly that it is faith alone, which isn’t very surprising as he is lutheran, or should I say, protestant? Because basically, I only knew about catholics being accused of teaching that you’d have to earn entrance to heaven through good works, and that without them you could have faith as much as you wanted, but wouldn’t be let in....

14.08.2013 · 11 min · De Benny

Unconditional Love

It’s been a couple of days since I came across Bruce Gerencser’s Blog „The Way Forward“. From all what I have understood, Bruce used to be a minister for years, before he became atheist. On his blog, there is a „start here“ series with posts to understand his journey. In order to understand – why woud I be reading anything at all if not to gain further understanding on God knows what – I started reading those posts (I haven’t come far yet, but I shall)....

19.05.2013 · 11 min · De Benny

No good plan starts with magic sperm

I commented on another video by darkmatter2525 yesterday (which lead to some discussion on diapsora*), and if you checked the source page where I found it, you’ve seen that there’s also another one. This one. Somehow I even like this one. It does a fair bit of critizising satisfaction theory, which I do not consider correct myself either. It might not be doing the satisfaction theory justice, but it points out some good points that speak against it....

13.05.2013 · 5 min · De Benny