Nomadische Identität
RedMatrix – identity and authentication from Tuscanhobbit on Vimeo. Comments Comment by De Benny on 2015-04-12 09:29:01 +0100 https://player....
RedMatrix – identity and authentication from Tuscanhobbit on Vimeo. Comments Comment by De Benny on 2015-04-12 09:29:01 +0100 https://player....
Das mußte ich mit Euch teilen. 🙂 Am 25. Mai ist Europawahl. Comments Comment by De Benny on 2014-05-18 19:00:23 +0100 Gibts auch auf Deutsch:...
Maybe you heard about Meriam Yahia Ibrahim. She is sitting in prison in Sudan for apostasy from Islam, though she has been a Christian for all her life. With her in the prison are her 20 months old son and the baby she’s currently pregnant with. She is not allowed to receive medical aid or have visitors. You can read about the story here, here and here. There is also a form where you can write to the Sudanese embassy....
In an article by Jim Finn he argues that God was for capitalism and against socialism. Socialism, according to Jim, is redistribution: He plainly told Joe the plumber he was for redistribution of wealth, which is socialism at its very core. I mention this to avoid misunderstandings. Europeans tend to have a different understanding of what socialism means. I don’t know of a special term for redistribution, maybe because there’s redistribution all around....
There is one sentence in the article of Jim Finn, which I wrote about yesterday, that I wanted to add some thoughts to separately. But first the sentence: Remove sin from the Bible, remove Hell from the Bible and there can be no Gospel. Jim is right here. Somehow, because the gospel means liberation, and without anybody being captive or anything keeping someone captive, there’s no sense in liberation....