Honda Prius

I ran across a video by darkmatter2525 again, and this time neither God nor this little angel whose name I forgot have an appearance. But just look yourself. So shortly said, the video is about a woman who wants to buy a car. But the seller never shows her the car. All he does is present „evidence“ in the form of manual and other paper work, and the fact that he the seller himself is in the office although he lives 7 miles away....

12.05.2013 · 1 min · De Benny

Genesis 34

11.05.2013 · 0 min · De Benny

Satan’s 10 commandments to the homosexual lobby – reviewed

I’ve been writing about atheist criticism of religion or christianity recently, which could lead to the conclsion that I consider anything that comes from nonblelievers wrong, and anything that comes from believers right. Which is not so. I just ran across „Satan’s 10 commandments to the homosexual lobby“ (via). And I think this is a good opportunity, that I critisise bullshit, no matter where from. Note that this criticism comes from a fellow christian....

11.04.2013 · 11 min · De Benny

Why I am not a biblicist

God is Love Comments Comment by Thomas Jakob on 2013-04-06 08:23:51 +0100 Lang ist der Weg durch Lehren, kurz ist der Weg durch Beispiele. Danke für diesen illustrativen Beitrag. Comment by De Benny on 2013-04-06 12:00:42 +0100 Danke für das Lob 🙂 Comment by Christina on 2013-04-08 18:01:28 +0100 2.Petrus 1,19-21 : Und wir haben desto fester das prophetische Wort, und ihr tut wohl, daß ihr darauf achtet als auf ein Licht, das da scheint in einem dunklen Ort, bis der Tag anbreche und der Morgenstern aufgehe in euren Herzen....

04.04.2013 · 2 min · De Benny

Do you believe in Yahwe?

This is a bit unhandy, as embedding was disabled, but you can look at the video I want to speak about here. The story is told relatively quick, supposingly more quickly than watching the video: Person A asks person B about his or her belief in a variety of godhead names: Vishnu, Baal, Shemosh, Thor, you name it. person B keeps saying „no“, to all the questions. Person A does not react to these answers in any way, just keeps on throwing names of godheads at person B....

01.04.2013 · 4 min · De Benny